Deception, SaaS Security, and the 10 Plagues of Cloud Security - ESW #312

Published: April 7, 2023, 9 p.m.


In this week\'s enterprise security news, we talk about new companies and funding, trends in the deception and SaaS Security/SSPM space. We discuss Andy Ellis\'s "10 plagues of cloud security" and Kelly Shortridge\'s 69 ways to F*&$ up your deploy. We discuss rolling out Yubikeys and the pros/cons of using biometrics instead of security keys. There have been some bad takes in the media on how OpenAI uses your ChatGPT prompts, so we set the record straight there. Cybersecurity is a new requirement for K-12 students in North Dakota, and you\'ve got to see this week\'s security story - a rogue tire sends a Kia Soul FLYING.* * - but no one was hurt!


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