Data Chaos MUST be Curbed, but how? - Jackie McGuire - ESW #338

Published: Nov. 3, 2023, 9 a.m.


There is little to no organization of data within companies in 2023. We\'re all guilty of this at some level. The download folders and desktops on our personal machines are a mess. File servers, and cloud storage services are a mess. In Microsoft\'s recent data leak, AI researchers even had PC backups stored along side machine learning models for whatever reason.

Data is hard to classify, organize, and monitor. By designing for convenience, we\'ve created convenience debt that now has to be paid down. In this segment we talk to Jackie McGuire about what needs to happen to accomplish this, at the enterprise level, and at scale.

Even if we can one day address the challenge of tracking and labeling data, we\'ll still have the challenge of addressing data integrity and resilience, which we\'ll also discuss if we have time!

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