Akamai, PerimeterX HUMAN Merger, Azure Vulns, Blockchain Sec Startups, & Brash CEOs - ESW #282

Published: July 30, 2022, 9 p.m.


In the Enterprise Security News: Blockchain security startups are still raising tons of money, but not in crypto, since it\\u2019s now worthless. Ha! just kidding. Maybe. Am I? Anvilogic, AppViewX, Sotero, Resourcely, and Push Security all raise rounds JUICY RUMORS! Is Crowdstrike buying Orca? Is Akamai getting bought out by a PE shop? HUMAN and PerimeterX join in a rare cybersecurity merger, Are Azure\\u2019s vulnerabilities out of control? Zoom brings end-to-end encryption to its cloud phone service, npm says FINE, we\\u2019ll add some security, Kaseya\\u2019s CEO is just, telling it like it is, man. The problem must be with you. A robot attacks a child, time to add EMP grenades to your EDC! All that and more!


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Show Notes: https://securityweekly.com/esw282
