Actionable High Resolution Threat Intelligence - Derek Manky - BSW #258

Published: April 12, 2022, 9 p.m.


By and large, individual malware strains come and go, but to stop attacks more quickly, organizations need to gain a deeper understanding of attack techniques. By analyzing the attack goals of attackers, organizations can better align their defenses to adapt to quickly changing attack techniques. FortiGuard Labs analyzed the functionality of detected malware by detonating the malware samples collected throughout the year. The result was a list of the individual tactics, techniques, and procedures the malware would have accomplished had the attack payloads been executed. The intelligence we gathered indicates that stopping an adversary earlier is critical. Understanding adversaries\\u2019 goals is crucial to defending against the flood of changing techniques they may use. By focusing on a few identified techniques, an organization could shut down a malware\\u2019s methods for attack entirely in some situations.


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