Accurics Terrascan, Sophos XDR Solution, & API Security Need to Know - ESW #227

Published: May 14, 2021, 9 p.m.


This week in the Enterprise News: XM Cyber Announces Integration with Palo Alto Network\'s Cortex XSOAR, API Security Lessons Learned, Cycode Raises $20 Million, HelpSystems Acquires Beyond Security, Accurics Terrascan integrates with the Argo Project, Cequence Security API Sentinel 2.0, Seclore Security24 protects sensitive data, Who\\u2019s Really Behind the Colonial Pipeline Cyberattack?, Forcepoint acquires Cyberinc, Sophos launches industry\\u2019s only XDR solution for endpoint, server, firewall and email security?, and more!


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