A Look at Microsoft's Cloud-Native SIEM - Darwin Salazar - ESW #259

Published: Feb. 5, 2022, 10 a.m.


In late 2019, Microsoft released their cloud-native SIEM, Sentinel. A lot in the world has changed since then so we\'ll be looking at Sentinel\'s progression, talking about it\'s features and what may make it attractive to enterprises in 2022 and beyond. To register for Darwin\\u2019s upcoming workshop with Security Weekly, please visit: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2393226017093033995?source=esw

Microsoft Sentinel Ninja Training - https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-sentinel-blog/become-a-microsoft-sentinel-ninja-the-complete-level-400/ba-p/1246310#

Forrester MSFT Sentinel reports indicating 201% ROI over 3 years - https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2020/11/16/forrester-tei-study-azure-sentinel-delivers-201-percent-roi-over-3-years-and-a-payback-of-less-than-6-months/

If you want to get started with Kusto Query Language (KQL) without having to bootstrap your own environment, MSFT has a live log analytics workspace with tons of log data. You must have an Azure subscription to use. Link : https://aka.ms/lademo\\xa0


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Show Notes: https://securityweekly.com/esw259
