7" Laptop, Trojans in Chips, Samsung's Faux Moon, & The 4 C's - PSW #777

Published: March 23, 2023, 5:35 p.m.


In the Security News: Windows MSI tomfoolery, curl turns 8...point owe, who doesn\'t need a 7" laptop, glitching the ESP, your image really isn\'t redacted or cropped, brute forcing pins, SSRF and Lightsail, reversing D-Link firmware for the win, ICMP RCE OMG (but not really), update your Pixel and Samsung, hacking ATMs in 2023, breaking down Fortinet vulnerabilities, Jamming with an Arduino, it 315 Mega hurts, analyzing trojans in your chips, and the 4, er 1, er 3, okay well how to suck at math and the 4 Cs of Cybersecurity! All that, and more, on this episode of Paul\\u2019s Security Weekly!


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Show Notes: https://securityweekly.com/psw777
