2024 Security Planning with Forrester - Merritt Maxim - ESW #332

Published: Sept. 21, 2023, 9:23 p.m.


Forrester Research releases a few annual reoccurring cybersecurity reports, but one of the biggest that covers the most ground is the Security Risk Planning Guide, which was recently released for 2024. One of the report\'s 17 authors, and research director, Merritt Maxim, will walk us through the report\'s most interesting insights and highlights. This is going to be considerably interesting considering some of this year\'s trends impacting security teams:

  • An economic downturn, resulting in layoffs and budget freezes
  • The widespread proliferation of generative AI technology
  • The relentless and resilient nature of cybercrime, despite some notable law enforcement wins
  • Ongoing discussion about the role and relevance of SOCs, CISO\'s, as well as the security department place in today\'s enterprise
  • Increased enterprise reliance on SaaS and Cloud, as vendors and service providers continue to struggle with securing their products and services

Show Notes: https://securityweekly.com/esw-332
