SN 800: SolarBlizzard - SolarWinds' Orion Software, Swatting Goes IoT, PHP Zend Framework Vulnerability

Published: Jan. 6, 2021, 2 a.m.

SolarWinds' Orion software, swatting goes IoT, PHP Zend Framework vulnerability.

  • Chrome struggles with A/V pre-scan file locking.
  • Zyxel security products protected by a single redundant password.
  • How Swatters are using IoT devices to increase the terror.
  • A new serious problem in the PHP Zend Framework on WordPress.
  • Bitcoin woes as value reaches new peaks.
  • ReadSpeed, SSD's, and SpinRite.
  • A new flaw discovered in SolarWinds' Orion software.

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Hosts: Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte

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