Эпизод 54(1) - Houston, We've Got a Problem

Published: Feb. 17, 2016, 2:38 p.m.

Intro / Outro Alex - Drive http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/AlexBeroza/43098

0:01:54 Чтобы превратить iPhone в "кирпич", достаточно сменить системную дату на 1 января 1970 года - ITC.ua http://goo.gl/TblQCe

0:04:23 There's a lot of vulnerable OS X applications out there. https://goo.gl/OLWEiy

VLC unsigned updates over http https://goo.gl/OIevQP

0:09:09 Fake Flash Player Update Infects Macs with Scareware https://goo.gl/5uhPXG

0:10:09 Nexus Security Bulletin - February 2016 http://goo.gl/lDS1ZV

Google fixes multiple Wi-Fi flaws, mediaserver bugs in Android http://goo.gl/zESjhg

Google plugs Android vulns http://goo.gl/eX6Lbm

0:10:47 Google calls out Comodo's Chromodo Chrome-knockoff as insecure crapware http://goo.gl/OrTlUv

0:12:02 Every version of Windows hit by 'critical' security vulnerability http://goo.gl/gYVDPY

0:12:52 Опубликованы новые подробности о том, как троян BlackEnergy атакует Украину https://goo.gl/5GbPmR

Міненерговугілля має намір утворити групу за участю представників усіх енергетичних компаній, що входять до сфери управління Міністерства, для вивчення можливостей щодо запобігання несанкціонованому втручанню в роботу енергомереж http://goo.gl/FRXKUd

0:18:47 Hackers mirror 250GB of NASA files on the web http://goo.gl/2RXmr4

OpNasaDrones Zine #Anonsec http://pastebin.com/pm1WLXQj

0:24:12 Privilege Escalation + Remote Code Execution in Apache Jetspeed 2.2.0 - 2.3.0 https://vimeo.com/154475767

Default settings in Apache may decloak Tor hidden services http://goo.gl/hlaHrJ

0:26:02 Brit spies want rights to wiretap and snoop on US companies' servers http://goo.gl/VZC7Ve

0:26:52 Smart toys spring dumb vulns. Again. This time: Cuddly bears, watches http://goo.gl/y3w72D

Hacked Toy Company VTech’s TOS Now Says It’s Not Liable for Hacks http://goo.gl/XVTPk9

0:30:30 Big Question: What does the Julian Assange case have to do with human rights? http://goo.gl/QWO1mk

The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention Deems the deprivation of liberty of Mr. Julian Assange as arbitrary http://goo.gl/ptB4eH

0:31:08 New Safe Harbor Data “Deal” May Be More Politicking Than Surveillance Reform https://goo.gl/y8s2OS

Safe Harbor ripped and replaced with Privacy Shield in last-minute US-Europe deal http://goo.gl/wf8uEr

0:32:27 OpenSSL fixes bug, gets dissed by German gov: That's so random ... not http://goo.gl/EYiOtp

OpenSSL study https://goo.gl/yf08LN

0:34:41 White House seeks its first ever chief information security officer http://goo.gl/5uRDdL

0:35:39 Safeway Self-Checkout Skimmer Close Up http://goo.gl/zBUZaJ

0:36:39 Взломать PayPal за 73 секунды https://habrahabr.ru/company/pt/blog/276459/

0:37:46 AST-2016-001: BEAST vulnerability in HTTP server http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2016/Feb/9

0:38:44 For Cyberattackers, Time Is The Enemy http://goo.gl/DFrKim

0:39:29 Mysterious spike in WordPress hacks silently delivers ransomware to visitors http://goo.gl/jvKRO9

0:40:13 KeePassLogger - KeePass Two-Channel Auto-Type Obfuscation Bypass http://goo.gl/KGgQQq

0:40:48 Samsung warns customers not to discuss personal information in front of smart TVs http://goo.gl/AcCP7g

0:41:21 Twitter Says There’s No “Magical Algorithm” to Find Terrorists https://goo.gl/u6FDhg

Combating Violent Extremism | Twitter Blogs https://goo.gl/SdFZHO

0:42:06 Malware Museum! https://archive.org/details/malwaremuseum

Roll up, roll up to the Malware Museum! Run classic DOS viruses in your web browser http://goo.gl/sVkJSN 

О сколько нам открытий чудных готовит Office Microsoft https://habrahabr.ru/post/264313/

Видео-запись эпизода на нашем канале https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGYHYOm_J3zpyE5jCNzAHJg