Эпизод 38 - Facts only

Published: July 15, 2015, 9:19 a.m.

Intro / Outro Сен-тропе - у селові https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-UBXr5_m38

Интервью с Василием Гузием о тонкостях поимки кибер преступников

В Украине арестовали пятерых хакеров, причастных к краже не менее 2 млн евро у крупнейших мировых банков http://goo.gl/7ItU5t

Депутаты дошли до интернета: законопроект о киберпространстве http://goo.gl/VV3ja3

MasterCard to trial pay-by-face for online purchasing https://goo.gl/0TFCL0

Spy Tech Company 'Hacking Team' Gets Hacked http://goo.gl/qE4fde

Information related to the attacks on HackingTeam on July 6, 2015 http://goo.gl/k0OJO2

Hacking Team Breach Shows a Global Spying Firm Run Amok http://goo.gl/5jbqH7

Hacking Team Asks Customers to Stop Using Its Software After Hack http://goo.gl/pAo3Z3

The FBI Spent $775K on Hacking Team's Spy Tools Since 2011 http://goo.gl/lCal2y

UK police forces wanted to buy Hacking Team spyware http://goo.gl/f6JfcU

Adobe Flash exploit that was leaked by Hacking Team goes wild http://goo.gl/B5DvC3

Hacking Team leak, Flash 0day, exploit payloads and more http://goo.gl/SyOPoJ

Days after Hacking Team breach, nobody fired, no customers lost http://goo.gl/FMD0BO

OPM shuts down background investigation portal because of vulnerability http://goo.gl/MBg0Mq

433,000 Ford cars to be recalled because of software bug http://goo.gl/ox6Y8g

Samsung announces fix for major Galaxy keyboard security flaw http://goo.gl/RzvFdC

Adventures in Automotive Networks and Control Units (pdf) http://goo.gl/prKf8U

NSA can track everyone's phone calls again -- for a while http://goo.gl/AWL3SG

Your VPN Probably Isn’t Private http://goo.gl/46A4JX

Snow https://github.com/zrm/snow

Critical OpenSSL bug allows attackers to impersonate any trusted server http://goo.gl/mGMYQc

The OpenSSL "CVE-2015-1793" certificate verification bug - what you need to know https://goo.gl/BpntHO

Google unveils independent “fork” of OpenSSL called “BoringSSL” http://goo.gl/OCULBM

В Україні через тиждень запускають захищений мобільний зв'язок http://goo.gl/bEFm8f

Система криптографически защищенной мобильной связи TACITUS http://goo.gl/pLwjNX

Meet the hackers who break into Microsoft and Apple to steal insider info http://goo.gl/PIq4SN

'Hackers' give orders to German missile battery http://goo.gl/nalXaK

Украина вошла в рейтинг стран с наибольшим количеством DDoS-атак http://goo.gl/yegWGp

David Cameron is going to try and ban encryption in Britain http://goo.gl/DLhQ7a

7 things to do when your business is hacked http://goo.gl/sp3qSC

Kali Linux 2.0 Release Day Scheduled https://goo.gl/nPFiIf

Новий Голова Держспецзв’язку Леонід Євдоченко http://goo.gl/w3cU8E

Apple to introduce two-factor authentication option in iOS 9 and OS X El Capitan http://goo.gl/uDjbMu

Security-конференция dec0de в Одессе https://goo.gl/Laq74T

Apple to introduce two-factor authentication option in iOS 9 and OS X El Capitan http://goo.gl/uDjbMu

Windows 10 will share your Wi-Fi key with your friends' friends http://goo.gl/89aVAD

Cisco To Buy Cloud Security Company OpenDNS for $635M In Cash http://goo.gl/UXacwj

US-CERT Alerts of Phishing Campaigns Targeting OPM Hack Victims http://goo.gl/RWc620

Information security news and discussion https://www.reddit.com/r/netsec

Two keys to rule them all: Cisco warns of default SSH keys on appliances http://goo.gl/TbMvDo

Amazon Releases S2N TLS Crypto Implementation to Open Source https://goo.gl/wwxiHT

RWMC https://github.com/giMini/RWMC

To determine HackingTeam infection https://goo.gl/6KlVKE