The Security Coat of Many Colors with Will Gregorian

Published: Aug. 19, 2021, 10 a.m.

b'Will Gregorian, Head of Security and Technical Operations at Rhino, sits down with Corey\\u2014despite the fact they\\u2019ve crossed paths in the past! Will\\u2019s background working for startups has informed his current work in security. By spending his time in smaller companies its helped Will to craft his perspectives in a valuable way, check in for how! \\n\\nWill and Corey talk about their own history, Will\\u2019s capacity to bring security to the early stages of start up, and how to find the failures to avoid in the future. Will ponders on the militarism in the language around security and how to revolutionize the conversation going forward, and what lessons can be learned from working security for healthcare. At the forefront is where Will tries so stay and he gives us the reasons why.'