The Evolution of OpenTelemetry with Austin Parker

Published: Sept. 5, 2023, 10 a.m.


Austin Parker, Community Maintainer at OpenTelemetry, joins Corey on Screaming in the Cloud to discuss OpenTelemetry\\u2019s mission in the world of observability. Austin explains how the OpenTelemetry community was able to scale the OpenTelemetry project to a commercial offering, and the way Open Telemetry is driving innovation in the data space. Corey and Austin also discuss why Austin decided to write a book on OpenTelemetry, and the book\\u2019s focus on the evergreen applications of the tool.

About Austin

Austin Parker is the OpenTelemetry Community Maintainer, as well as an event organizer, public speaker, author, and general bon vivant. They\'ve been a part of OpenTelemetry since its inception in 2019.

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