How to Get 75 Gigs of Free Storage in AWS with xssfox

Published: April 8, 2020, 10 a.m.

b'Known as xssfox online, Michael is a developer from Australia who recently released Big Buck AWS, a tool that exploits code vulnerabilities to enable users to host up to 75 gigs of data in AWS for free.\\n\\nJoin Corey and Michael as they discuss why Michael is a \\u201ccode terrorist,\\u201d how to get 75 gigs of free storage in AWS with a tool called Big Buck AWS, how AWS might potentially shut this loophole down or why they might end up deciding to let it roll, what inspired Michael to even tinker with this idea in the first place, how Michael looks at each new AWS service and tries to push their limit, why Michael hopes nobody is actually using Big Buck AWS in production, ideas for other tools like this, and more.'