How Nicolas Cage Taught Me How to Code with Paul Chin Jr.

Published: Oct. 16, 2019, 10 a.m.

b'Paul Chin Jr. grew up using egg rolls to gauge profitability at his parents\\u2019 Chinese restaurant in Norfolk, Va. Today, he\\u2019s a cloud solutions architect at Cloudreach and a strong proponent of cloud, serverless, and open source technologies\\u2014and also a prophet of Nicolas Cage, a national treasure.\\n\\nJoin Corey and Paul as they face off with plenty of time to kill and cover many topics related to severless and cloud technologies, including how software can be an army of one for any business; how popular tools can be gone in 60 seconds as new solutions emerge while slower-moving businesses are left behind with legacy systems; how Paul solves customer problems through understanding and adaptation; and how severless means everyone can build computer programs\\u2014without computer science training, either. Don\\u2019t think so? It happened to Paul. It could happen to you\\u2014and even the weather man\\u2014too.'