How Data Discovery is Changing the Game with Shinji Kim

Published: Sept. 22, 2022, 10 a.m.

b'Shinji Kim, CEO and Co-Founder of Select Star, joins Corey to talk about the fast-growing world of data discovery. Shinji presents the question that Select Star answers, \\u201cHow discoverable is your data?\\u201d and explains how Select Star is differentiating itself in a space where new players are appearing all the time. Corey and Shinji talk about the needs of data discovery clients ranging from \\u201cI need a database\\u201d to \\u201cI have too many databases\\u201d, and how vital it is to understand what data is actually being used to avoid overpaying for data storage or worse - deleting data that\\u2019s vital to your organization. Listen in to find out why data discovery is becoming more essential and the impact of making better use of your data.'