Episode 25: Kubernetes is Named After the Greek God of Spending Money on Cloud Services

Published: Aug. 29, 2018, 6 a.m.

b"Google builds platforms for developers and strives to make them happy. There's a team at Google that wakes up every day to make sure developers have great outcomes with its services and products. The team listens to the developers and brings all feedback back into Google. It also spends a lot of time all over the world talking to and connecting with developer communities and showing stuff being worked on. It doesn't do the team any good to build developer products that developers don\\u2019t love.\\nToday, we\\u2019re talking to Adam Seligman, vice president of developer relations at Google, where he is responsible for the global developer community across product areas. He is the ears and voice for customers.\\nSome of the highlights of the show include:\\n\\nGoogle tackles everything in an open source way: Shipping feedback, iteration, and building communities\\nStorytelling - the Tale of Kubernetes: in a short period of time, gone from being open source that Google spearheaded to something sweeping the industry\\nRise of containerization inside Linux Kernel is an opportunity for Google to share container management technology and philosophy with the world\\nGoogle Next: Knative journey toward lighter-weight serverless-based applications; and GKE On-Prem, customers and teams working with Kubernetes running on premise\\nInnovation: When logging into GCP console, you can terminate all billable resources assigned to project and access tab for building by hand\\nGCP's console development strategy includes hard work on documentation, making things easy to use, and building thoughtfulness in grouping services\\nGoogle is about design goals, tradeoffs, and metrics; it\\u2019s about hyper scale and global footprint of requirements, as well as supporting every developer\\nConception 1: Google builds HyperScale Reid-Centric user partitioned apps and don't build globally consistent data driven apps\\nConception 2: Software engineers at the top Internet companies do the code and write amazing things instantly\\n12-Factor App: Opinions of how to architect apps; developers should have choices, but take away some cognitive and operating load complexity \\nBusinesses are running core workloads on Google, which had to put atomic clocks in data centers and private fiber networking to make it all work\\nPerception that Google focuses on new things, rather than supporting what's been released; industry is on a treadmill chasing shiny things and creating noise\\nIndustry needs to be welcoming and inclusive; a demand for software, apps, and innovation, but number of developers remains because everyone\\u2019s not included\\nHuman vs. Technology: More investment and easier onboarding with technology and an obligation to build local communities\\nGoal: Take database complexity and start removing it for lots of use cases and simplify things for users to deal with replication, charting, and consistency issues\\nDevFest: Google has about 800 Google developer groups that do a lot of things to build local communities and write code together\\n\\nLinks:\\n\\nAdam Seligman on Twitter\\n12-Factor App\\nI Want to Build a World Spanning Search Engine on Top of GCP\\nDevFest\\nKubernetes\\nDocker\\nHeroku\\nGoogle Next\\nGoogle Reader"