Episode 18: Sitting on the curb clapping as serverless superheroes go by

Published: July 11, 2018, 6 a.m.

What\u2019s serverless? Are you serverless now? Is going from enterprise to serverless a natural evolution? Or, is it a \u201cthat was fun, now let\u2019s go ride our bikes\u201d moment? Is serverless \u201cjust a toy?\u201d Is it a wide and varied ecosystem, or is it Lambda plus some other randos? What's up with serverless vs. containers?\nToday, Forrest Brazeal is here to answer those questions and discuss pros and cons of serverless. He was a senior Cloud architect prior to joining Trek10. Forrest spent several years leading AWS and serverless engineering projects at Infor. He understands the challenges faced by enterprises moving to the Cloud and enjoys building solutions that provide maximum business value at a minimal cost.\xa0\nSome of the highlights of the show include:\n\nBimodality: Backend development going away and being replaced by managed services; undifferentiated items are being moved to the Cloud\nServerless is application designs with \u201cBackend as a Service\u201d (BaaS) and/or \u201cFunctions as a Service\u201d (FaaS) platforms; everything is managed for you\nAWS Lambda: Is it today\u2019s trend or a bias that everyone is using it; Lambda makes up 80% of current FaaS adoption\nServerless Ecosystem: You can build it however you want, and you\u2019re doing it right; but don\u2019t take that at face-value; no two Lambda environments are alike\nCloud services at this scale have not been knitted together to form applications that are serving major workloads; best practices need to be established\nNative Cloud providers will consolidate, and individual frameworks will be created with components of application stacks tied together to build systems\nServerless vs. Containers: No need for disparity - we can learn to get along; people use containers because it is easier than going serverless\nServerless Heroes series features people thinking out-of-the-box and helps identify emerging trends; serverless is growing, and it\u2019s not just about startups\nWent from working with a Sharpie to Procreate for the FaaS and Furious cartoon series; serverless component of process is for invoicing \xa0\xa0\xa0\nChanges? Packaging to handle sharing; more knobs on console; unified process needed because too many building own workflow and tooling\nCertification: Proof-positive that you know what you\u2019re talking about or is it questionable value if not backing up expertise in the real world? \n\nLinks:\n\nForrest Brazeal on Twitter\nInvoiceless\nSummon the vast power of certification - Dilbert cartoon\nTrek10 blog\nA Cloud Guru ThinkfaaS podcast\nA Cloud Guru - Serverless Superheros\nWhy We\u2019re Excited About AWS AppSync\nServerless Architectures with Mike Roberts\nAWS Lambda\nAWS Serverless Application Model (SAM)\nProcreate\nAWS Certified Cloud Practitioner\nServerlessconf\nDigital Ocean