Building Taxpayer-Funded Cloud Services with Simon Elisha

Published: Aug. 13, 2020, 10 a.m.

b'Simon Elisha is the Head of Technology and Transformation for the Australia and New Zealand public sector at AWS. He\\u2019s also the host of the AWS Podcast and an advisor for Bugwolf, the curated marketplace for bug bounty hunters. Previously, Simon served as the CTO and director of field engineering for Australia and New Zealand at Pivotal, Inc., a principal solution architect at AWS, and a data center enterprise architect for Cisco, among other positions.\\n\\nJoin Corey and Simon as they discuss why it\\u2019s different to sell services to the public sector versus the private sector, why Simon decided to launch the AWS Podcast, what the most rewarding thing about hosting the podcast is, how increasing concurrent EC2 instances can actually help lower total spend, how tagging is a critical tool in getting a handle on your AWS bill, how the cloud has lowered the barrier of entry to tech considerably, career advice from Simon for those starting out, how the word \\u201cresilient\\u201d doesn\\u2019t have the same definition as it used to, and more.'