
Published: July 30, 2021, 9:43 p.m.

b"We often think that finishing things is the successful part of changing and of course it is. How great is it to get to the end of our goals and feel that amazing feeling of satisfaction which we have when we have achieved something? I think it is one of the best feelings we can have, not only the success of making it to this point, but also the things that you have achieved are exciting too. But the key to changing is actually the start of the process, not just the end goal. If we don't start something, we will never get what we want in life and in fact, we could end up living in a one-dimensional version of what we could truly be. Often, we don\\u2019t change, not because we don\\u2019t know what we want to change or even what we want to achieve, but it is that we just never get going with things. You might be a dreamer or maybe you know someone who is, and these people are always talking about things, but never actually following through and starting the things they dream about doing. If this is you, it is time to wake up and see that treading water in this way is just a waste of your life, which you have been blessed with. We should never forget how fortunate we are to be living in England and having all these options, choices, and opportunities. Many places in the world just don't get these opportunities and it is time to wake up and make the most of what we have in our lives."