
Published: Oct. 16, 2021, 8:47 a.m.

b"Life can be comfortable, and we can feel relaxed and happy with things just ticking along in our lives, then, out of nowhere, something can come along and shock us. Sadly, this is something we can\\u2019t change or predict. The issue with things that shock us, is that we can never be prepared for these things and there is nothing we can do on a conscious level to change the reactions we have. At moments of shock, we are never responding on a conscious level; your flight, fight, and freeze response is in control of how you react to what is happening. This is something essential to support us and keep us safe. If shock blows our mind, then this could cause long term psychological effects. This is why our primaeval mind is always ready to leap into action, to soften the blow of shock and to protect us by pushing our minds and bodies into survival mode. If we blow our inner fuse board in our mind, then this can have a devastating effect on our mental well-being. We still know so little about the deeper levels of the mind, as these parts of our mind are so hard to study. We hear of many amazing things that people have achieved with the power of their minds, but knowing how to harness this easily, is something we don't understand yet. On the negative side, many severe but quite rare psychological issues can come as a result of shock and trauma, and we don\\u2019t fully understand these or know how to easily treat these conditions."