Luis Elizondo: Pentagon Deleted My UFO Emails

Published: June 17, 2021, 9:20 p.m.

b'Sara previews the Pentagon\'s report on unidentified aerial phenomena with the help of Luis Elizondo, the former director of the Pentagon\'s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. Elizondo tells Sara that the unidentified objects have been ruled as U.S. technology and why he\'s very skeptical that these objects are from any other nation. He also details the lengths some at the Pentagon are going to in an effort to stop full disclosure and how monumental the impact could be on our world once we do know the truth.

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Don\\u2019t Make UFOs a Political Issue
Elizondo: Perhaps we are yet as a species at another paradigm moment, maybe we\'re just standing on another sandy beach and looking at the horizon about to set sail. And so my hope is that we will embrace this opportunity as a species and and resist the urge to make it a political issue. It would be a an opportunity surely squandered if we, if we turn this into a political issue instead of an issue about humanity and about about our mankind.

The UFOs Aren\\u2019t From Russia
Elizondo: So that really only leaves two other options. And the first option is that it is, again, some sort of foreign technology. And and when you look at that, from a temporal perspective or time perspective, you begin to realize there\'s really only a couple countries that really would even potentially come close to having the resources and talent to start to even try to look at a technology like this and let it let alone develop it, or that is something else. And so when you look at it from the lens of a foreign technology, we know for an absolute fact in the 90s, during the fall, if you will, of the Berlin Wall and this new glasnost and this new if you will, spirit of cooperation with the Russians, they shared a lot of their files with us and we know for a fact that they because they share the use of some of their UFO files with us that they were having the same problems we were with the exact same type of observables that we are to this day, facing.

The UFOs Probably Aren\\u2019t From China
Elizondo: We know for an absolute fact, Sara, that we have been dealing with these issues at least since since the 1950s. And probably earlier, and what now pilots are describing as a white flying Tic Tac were described earlier as white flying butane tanks or white flying lozenges. Right. So we\'re talking about the same type of vehicles with the same type of performance characteristics being seen all the way back to 1950. Now, if you put that in the context of let\'s say, China developing this technology, well, here\'s why that doesn\'t make sense because China has their own UAP taskforce that they\'ve established into using artificial intelligence, trying to figure it out, and they\'re having the exact same issues that we\'re having today with these UAP. Furthermore, they they spend a lot of time and effort every year, stealing billions of dollars of our technology to have a competitive edge. And so if they\'ve already had this this beyond generation next generation technology already in their hands, they wouldn\'t be need to be stealing any technology from us every year.'