Saga Shorts 2 - The Tale of Thorstein Bull's-leg

Published: Oct. 5, 2017, 11:58 a.m.

b'For our second episode of Saga Shorts, we\'ve chosen the brilliant "Tale of Thorstein Bull\'s-leg" (\\xdeorsteins \\xde\\xe1ttr uxaf\\xf3ts).\\xa0 As one of the longer\\xa0\\xfe\\xe6ttir, this one defies categorization. It tells the story of Thorstein Oddnyarson, a child abandoned at birth who grows up to be a hero in the court of King Olaf Tryggvason.\\xa0 Along the way, he\'ll find his parents, do battle with the undead, raid the home of a troll family, experience a miracle, almost drown in vomit, and fight a pagan bull.\\xa0 It\'s got everything you could want in a saga and more, all wrapped in a nice little\\xa0\\xde\\xe1ttr sized package.\\nFor this episode, we used George Clark\'s translation, "The Tale of Thorstein Bull\'s-Leg," in\\xa0The Complete Sagas of Icelanders,\\xa0Vol. 4, ed. Vidar Hrinsson (Reykjavik: Leifur Eiriksson Publishing, 1997), 340-54.\\nWe mention Elizabeth Ashman Rowe\'s "\\xdeorsteins\\xa0\\xfe\\xe1ttr uxaf\\xf3ts, Helga \\xfe\\xe1ttr \\xde\\xf3rissonar, and the Conversion \\xfe\\xe6ttir,"\\xa0Scandinavian Studies 76, no. 4 (2004): 459-74.\\nMusic Credits:\\nIntro: From\\xa0\\u201cDeath Awaits\\u201d by Billy Malmstrom\\nOutro: From\\xa0\\u201c\\xd3\\xf0inn\\u201d by Krauka'