Saga Short 5 - The Tale of Thorarin Nefjolsson

Published: April 12, 2020, noon

b'What happens when Thorarin Nefjolsson and his friend Thorstein Ragnhildarson leave the court of King Cnut to visit his rival King Olaf? One of them will have to prove his loyalty by submitting to a trial by ordeal. What is a trial by ordeal, you ask? How does it work? Listen and find out!\\nClick here if you\'re interested in reading Peter T. Leeson\'s "Why the Trial by Ordeal Was Actually an Effective Test of Guilt"\\nMusic Credits:\\nIntro: From\\xa0\\u201cDeath Awaits\\u201d by Billy Malmstrom\\nOutro: From\\xa0\\u201c\\xd3\\xf0inn\\u201d by Krauka'