Saga Brief 5: The Story of Rollo the Viking

Published: Feb. 19, 2016, 7:04 p.m.

b"In this episode, we celebrate the\\nlife and accomplishments of the historical Rollo.\\xa0 Known to many as the envious brother of the\\nincomparable Ragnar Lo\\xf0brok in the History Channel\\u2019s Vikings.\\xa0 While the historical Rollo may not have been\\nRagnar\\u2019s brother, Vikings gets a lot of things right.\\xa0 As an exile from his homeland, Rollo earned\\nthe nickname \\u201cthe Walker\\u201d by wandering throughout northern Europe raiding and\\nconquering everything in his path.\\xa0 Among\\nhis most significant conquests would come to be known as Normandy, a territory\\nin northern France named for the Northmen led by Rollo in the late 9th or early\\n10th century.\\xa0 Fearing further Viking\\naggression, the French King Charles the Simple turned over the city of Rouen over\\nto Rollo and his men.\\xa0 This simple act\\n(get it?) provided the French with a buffer against future Viking attacks from\\nthe north.\\xa0 Or so they hoped.\\xa0 In this case, it worked out nicely.\\xa0 Rollo and his fellow Vikings quickly rebuilt\\nthe territories they had ravaged and assimilated into French culture.\\xa0 Rollo\\u2019s descendants would go on to play a\\nvery significant role in European history.\\xa0\\nAs the great-great-great-grandfather of William the Conqueror, Rollo\\u2019s\\nblood flows through many veins of later European royalty. \\n\\n\\xa0If you\\u2019re interested in learning\\nmore about that part of the story, we recommend the following episodes of Rex\\nFactor, our very favorite podcast:\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\n\\xa0 for more Vikings and Saga Thing cross-over? \\xa0We've got a few episodes that might interest you:The Saga of Ragnar\\xa0Lo\\xf0brok\\xa0and His Sons\\xa0- where we review the medieval stories behind the Vikings hero.The Blood Eagle\\xa0- where we discuss the Viking practice of splitting a man open and its historical veracity.The Kr\\xe1kum\\xe1l\\xa0- a detailed look at the famous death song of Ragnar"