Saga Brief 25: Saga Manuscripts and the Arni Magnusson Institute: An Interview with Svanhildur Oskarsdottir

Published: Aug. 15, 2022, 1:35 p.m.

b'While Andy\'s away, John will play...a recording of his interview with Svanhildur \\xd3skarsd\\xf3ttir of the \\xc1rni Magn\\xfasson Institute for Icelandic Studies in Reykjavik. Join us for a discussion of \\xc1rni Magn\\xfasson\'s status as the savior of saga literature and the work of the Institute still carrying on in his name. How important is \\xc1rni to Iceland? Well, we found this picture of him:\\n\\nIf that\'s not enough, learn how a fire in Copenhagen nearly wiped out the sagas, how vellum pages "wander" from one library to another, who upset a sixteenth-century reader so much that they wrote "damn him!" in a manuscript\'s margin, and why missing white gloves causes call-in complaints to Icelandic television.\\nOur thanks to Svanhildur for her time, expertise, and good humor. Enjoy the conversation, and we\'ll be back to Laxd\\xe6la saga as soon as John can convince Andy to come home...\\n\\xa0\\nCheck out the \\xc1rni Magn\\xfasson Institute\'s website here.\\n\\xa0\\nEpisode intro: Kent, \\u201cD\\xe5 som nu f\\xf6r alltid\\u201d\\nIntro: Icelandic Folk Music: Tr\\xf6llaslagur\\nOutro:\\xa0\\xd3lafur Liljur\\xf3s'