Saga Brief 24 - The Northman Interview with Robert Eggers and Sjon

Published: April 27, 2022, 8:33 p.m.

b'In this episode, John and Andy sit down with Robert Eggers and Sj\\xf3n to chat about the stories behind their recently released saga-inspired film The Northman. That\\u2019s right, we\\u2019re talking to the director and co-writers of the biggest Viking film to be released since Kirk Douglas was a star! Stick around for the last 20-30 minutes where the four of us work together to put The Northman on trial Saga Thing style.\\nWarning: This conversation is full of spoilers from the very beginning. If you haven\\u2019t seen the film yet, you\\u2019ll want to run out and see it before listening. If you\\u2019re on the fence about seeing it, then give the episode a listen. Either way, we hope this interview will help you to better appreciate something of the process of creating a large-scale Viking epic for the 21st century and the unparalleled effort to accurately and respectfully adapt Viking Age culture and saga literature for the big screen. The attention to detail in The Northman reflects a great deal of careful research, time, and a genuine love for the rich literary tradition of the Icelandic sagas and Old Norse mythology.\\nOur thanks to Robert and Sj\\xf3n for the generous gift of their time and good humor on the Monday morning after the film\\u2019s release. And a special thank you to Garrett for helping to set it all up.\\nMusic Credits\\nOpening song \\u2013\\xa0Icelandic Folk Music: Tr\\xf6llaslagur\\nOutro \\u2013\\xa0\\xd3lafur Liljur\\xf3s'