Episode 8: Bandamanna Saga (The Saga of the Confederates)

Published: April 3, 2014, 8:08 p.m.

b"This time out, we've got the bitterly funny Bandamanna Saga, a much-beloved saga\\xa0set in the mid-11th century\\nand centered around the corruption of Icelandic law by the rich and powerful\\nchieftains of that later age. The saga pits old money against the\\nnouveau riche against a backdrop of legal wrangling and murder.\\xa0Can Ofeig\\nSki\\xf0ason and his estranged son Odd Ofeigsson put aside their differences in\\ntime to thwart the combined forces of eight of the most powerful men in\\nIceland? What's Ospak Glumsson (grandson and namesake of the notorious outlaw\\nking of\\xa0Eyrbyggja saga) doing in this saga? Why do Thorarin of\\nLaugardal's servant laugh at him behind his back? And was there a second bowman\\nhidden in a grassy knoll as Hermund Illugason's band of men rode by? Learn the\\nanswers to these questions and prepare your own judgments as you enjoy\\xa0Bandamanna saga--the saga of the Confederates!"