Episode 36a - Laxdaela Saga (chapters 1-7)

Published: April 16, 2022, 4:59 p.m.

b'Laxd\\xe6la saga holds a special place in the world of medieval Icelandic literature. Of all the Sagas of Icelanders, Laxd\\xe6la saga is second only to Nj\\xe1ls saga in the number of surviving manuscripts, suggesting an evergreen enthusiasm and interest in the saga from the time of its composition to the 21st century. While we don\\u2019t know for sure who wrote this incredible work of art, many have speculated that it might have been Snorri Sturluson himself. Others posit that it must have been one of Snorri\\u2019s nephews, either \\xd3l\\xe1fr \\xde\\xf3r\\xf0arson hv\\xedtask\\xe1ld or Sturla \\xde\\xf3r\\xf0arson. Given the saga\\u2019s interest in the lives of women, others have argued that it must be the work of an unknown female author. Whoever wrote Laxd\\xe6la saga, one thing is clear, it is among the most beloved and well-studied of all the Icelandic sagas. We\'re very excited to finally set sail on this journey through the saga with you.\\n\\nIn this episode, we explore the first seven chapters of the saga, following the life of Au\\xf0r dj\\xfap\\xfa\\xf0ga Ketilsd\\xf3ttir, also known as Unnr. Listeners will recognize her as Au\\xf0 the Deep-minded, daughter of Ketill flatnefur (Ketil Flatnose). She appears in or is referenced in many sagas, including Eyrbyggja saga, Nj\\xe1ls saga, Grettis saga, and Eir\\xedks saga rau\\xf0a. Here in Laxd\\xe6la saga, more than anywhere else, Au\\xf0 emerges as the matriarch of Settlement Age Iceland\\u2019s leading families. As you\\u2019ll discover, Au\\xf0\\u2019s long arm of influence extends well beyond Iceland.\\nJoin us as we celebrate the life of Au\\xf0 and the start of Laxd\\xe6la saga!\\nJacob Foust, @skarphedin_illustrator, has provided us with this handy genealogy to help you keep track of the many characters. It can\\u2019t possibly include everyone in the saga, of course, but it\\u2019s a useful tool for mapping out the relationships between some of the saga\\u2019s major characters.\\n\\nMusic Credits\\nIntro Music - "Prelude and Action" by Kevin MacLeodLink: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4236-prelude-and-actionLicense: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license\\nOutro Music - "Stormfront" by Kevin MacLeodLink: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4421-stormfrontLicense: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license'