Episode 18b - The Saga of Finnbogi the Strong (Part 2)

Published: March 4, 2016, 3:52 p.m.

b"Join us for the thrilling conclusion of\\xa0The Saga of Finnbogi the Strong. \\xa0In the first part of this episode, we discuss Finnbogi's evolving relationship with the Norwegian Earl Haakon, his trip to Constantinople, and his pursuit of Alf's daughter Ragnhild. \\xa0Yes, Finnbogi's got his eye on the daughter of the man he killed on the way to Haakon's court. \\xa0The second part of this episode takes us back to Iceland, where Finnbogi finds that fame isn't all its cracked up to be. \\xa0With rivals emerging everywhere he goes, Finnbogi is forced to move from district to district in search of peace. \\xa0That turns out to be a real challenge after he crosses a powerful lunatic like Jokul Ingimundarson, who you might remember from the second part of our episode on\\xa0Vatnsd\\xe6la saga. \\xa0There are\\xa0many many feuds and fights in this part of the story. \\xa0We do our best to cover the ones that really matter. \\xa0We hope you enjoy this final part of our summary of\\xa0The Saga of Finnbogi the Strong. \\xa0It was a lot of fun for us, which is why this episode ended up so long.\\nIncidentally, since Finnbogi does make his way down to Constantinople and we often find ourselves in Byzantium, our listeners might be interested in\\xa0The History of Byzantium\\xa0podcast. \\xa0He hasn't covered Emperor John yet, but he's getting closer to the period of the Varangian Guard. \\xa0We're looking forward to that. \\xa0In the meantime, check out his\\xa0special episode on the city of Constantinople. \\xa0It covers the founding of the city, it's geographical significance, and the daily life of its people. \\xa0Great stuff!"