Episode 16a - Grettir's Saga (Part 1)

Published: July 17, 2015, 9:16 p.m.

b'In this epic multi-part episode, we tell the story of Iceland\\u2019s most famous and\\nlongest surviving outlaw, Grettir Asmundarson.\\xa0\\nJoin us as we trace his life, from its tempestuous beginning to its\\ntragic end.\\xa0 Before we delve into his\\namazing exploits as an adult, we must look back to his origins. In traditional\\nsaga fashion, we begin with his great grandfather, Onund Treefoot.\\xa0 We follow\\nOnund\\u2019s efforts to resist the increasing power of King Harald Fairhair and his struggles\\nto come to terms with the loss of his property and his leg.\\xa0 Forced to redefine his own identity and to\\nmake a new life in foreign lands, he emerges as the truest hero in the saga,\\nrenowned as \\u201cthe bravest and most agile of all the one-legged men in\\nIceland.\\u201d\\xa0 From Onund, we wend our way\\nthrough battles over whale corpses, murder, and legal cases in the genealogy until\\nwe arrive at Grettir himself.\\xa0 We\\u2019ll look\\nbriefly at Grettir\\u2019s inglorious youth, his troubled relationship with his\\nfather, Asmund, and the events leading up to his first outlawry.\\xa0 Will Grettir learn to control his temper and\\nput his strength to good use? Or will he flout the norms of society and\\ncontinue to make his own way more difficult?\\xa0\\nFind out as Saga Thing takes on Grettir\\u2019s\\nSaga (chapters 1-20).This handy genealogy will help you keep some of the names straight in your minds'