Episode 14b - The Saga of the People of Vatnsdal (Part 2)

Published: May 23, 2015, 3:37 p.m.

b'Join us for the second half of the epic tale of the\\nVatnsdal chieftains and their family over six generations. In this episode, we\\nclumsily attempt to trace the final three generations of this remarkable\\nfamily.\\xa0 We\\u2019ve crammed a lot into this\\nepisode and we barely scratch the surface.\\xa0We pick up the story with the seven children of Ingimund\\nThorsteinsson (led by the bickering brothers Thorstein and Jokul) as they seek\\nrevenge against their father\\u2019s killer and begin a career as luck-favored\\nwitch-killers. Along the way, they encounter a particularly impressive villain\\nnamed Thorolf Sledgehammer and his clowder of ornery cats.\\xa0 With the district safe from evil-doers, the\\nsaga shifts to the next generation.\\xa0This section begins with the sons of Thorstein\\nIngimundarson, Ingolf and some other guy.\\xa0\\nIngolf Thorsteinsson is the important one.\\xa0 He\\u2019s the handsome Don Juan of Iceland who\\nmelts hearts and enrages menfolk across the north of Iceland. Ingolf may be a\\nbit narcissistic, but he backs up his boasts with impressive feats of derring-do\\n(see picture above, and note the rock strapped to his chest).\\xa0The final generation is represented by Thorkel Scratcher,\\nwho we discussed briefly in Hallfred\\u2019s Saga Troublesome-poet.\\xa0 Despite his humble origins as an illegitimate\\nson abandoned to the elements as an infant, Thorkel Scratcher rises to become\\none of the great figures of Iceland. But great men often have jealous enemies\\u2026\\xa0This episode is filled to bursting with berserkers,\\nhalf-giants, demonic pumas, missionaries, witches, outlaws, legendary swords,\\nlegendary lovers, and the occasional bloodbath. How does one man with twenty\\nenormous black cats keep the litterbox clean? What are the three tests of a\\nchieftain hero? Can one man singlehandedly take out eighteen bandits if he has\\nbig enough stones? Is there room for two berserkers in a single family? And can\\na Norwegian companion ever survive a saga battle?\\xa0Listen in and find out!\\xa0In honor of the many Norwegian companions who have fallen\\nin the name of saga violence, we\\u2019ve created a special shirt in our Saga Thing\\nstore.\\xa0\\xa0Get one for your own Norwegian companion.'