Episode 10a - The Saga of Hallfred Troublesome-Poet

Published: Sept. 17, 2014, 12:05 p.m.

b"In this episode, we continue our journey through the Sagas of Warrior-Poets in\\xa0The Saga of Hallfred Troublesome-Poet. \\xa0Though you've never heard of him, this court poet for 3 of Scandinavia's greatest rulers is actually quite famous. \\xa0As his nickname suggests Hallfred's poetry often lands him in hot water. \\xa0He's a suave lover, a witty poet, and a capable warrior. \\xa0We'll sample some of the poetry that made him famous, examine his difficult conversion to Christianity, and cheer as he gouges out the eyes of his enemies. \\xa0There's plenty of action and adventure here, with a fair amount of hot lovin' too. \\xa0But it's Hallfred's relationship with King Olaf Tryggvason that really makes this one special. \\xa0We hope you enjoy."