Running Across the USA - 7 Times with Bjorn Suneson

Published: Aug. 14, 2019, 5 a.m.


It\\u2019s probably safe to say that most Americans have never driven across the United States. And even fewer have run across the country. So how is it that a 71 year-old Swedish man has run his way coast-to-coast across America, not once, but a staggering 7 times? And maybe more importantly, WHY?

In this episode, we meet Bjorn Suneson, the man who has done just that. I think we can all agree that runners are just a bit \\u2018crazy\\u2019 and perhaps Bjorn is even more Runner-Crazy than most of us. In our conversation, we not only learn why he decided to do this on multiple occasions, but how he manages the logistics involved in such an undertaking.
