Jonathan Beverly and Sinead Haughey: Keys to Avoid Burnout

Published: Feb. 3, 2021, 5 a.m.


Running isn\\u2019t always forgiving.

Between injuries, mental ruts, and the curve balls life sometimes throws at us, finding long term success and remaining engaged in the sport can be incredibly difficult, and Sinead Haughey talks with Jonathan Beverly about his book\\xa0Run Strong, Stay Hungry, in this encore from 2017.

The book reveals the habits and mentalities of more than 50 veteran runners who are still running fast decades after they started.

A writer for Runner\\u2019s World, Podium Runner, and lifetime runner himself, Jonathan will give us a peek into the lives of runners like Bill Rodgers, Deena Kastor, and Joan Benoit Samuelson to show us what it takes to avoid burnout and achieve longevity in the sport \\u2013 both physically and mentally.

Quotes by Jonathan:

\\u201cThe physical burnout usually comes because of a lack of variety: doing the same thing and the same type of training over and over again.\\u201d

\\u201cPeople overcomplicate it: always having a detailed training plan, hitting certain splits \\u2013 it becomes obsessive\\u2026and when that happens, either you\\u2019re doing it all or you\\u2019re failing.\\u201d

\\u201cGary Allen talks about how a recipe has to be followed exactly: if you don\\u2019t have half a teaspoon of baking soda, things are going to blow up\\u2026.But a chef knows that you put a little bit in and see what happens.\\u201d
