Is Running Good and Bad for Your Heart?

Published: Jan. 5, 2022, 5:01 a.m.


We\\u2019ve all heard stories about runners who\\u2019ve collapsed during a race from a heart issue. The question is, are these instances a statistically anomaly or does training hard actually increase our risk of heart issues?

Dr. Erin Michos, Associate Professor of Medicine within the Division of Cardiology at Johns Hopkins, is on our show today to answer\\u2026

  • Who is at risk for a cardiac event while running?\\xa0\\xa0
  • How much running is good for your heart? Is there such a thing as too much? Are marathoners and ultra runners at a higher risk for cardiac events?
  • Are women\\u2019s hearts different than men\\u2019s?
  • Why some runners seem to have higher heart rates when running than others. What are the signs and symptoms of a problem with our hearts?
  • What other nutritional guidelines should athletes follow for heart health?

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