Achieving Your Potential and Wellness as an Older Runner with Running Legend Amby Burfoot

Published: Jan. 12, 2022, 5:01 a.m.


Unlike runners in their 20s and 30s, older runners are often walking that tightrope between performance, potential and overall health and wellness.\\xa0

Running is still a battle to perform your best, but we\\u2019re also running for our health and overall well-being.

That\'s why we\\u2019re thrilled to have legendary runner and writer Amby Burfoot on our podcast to discuss the key ingredients to running happy, maximizing potential, and staying healthy as we get older.

In this episode, we cover\\u2026

  • What are the key ingredients to being a runner for life?
  • Why do some runners \\u201cdefy age\\u201d and what are their secrets?
  • Once we realize that we can\\u2019t run/train the way we could when we were younger, what\\u2019s your advice for staying motivated?
  • What are some of the most common mistakes runners make as they get older?
  • What about nutrition needs for older runners? Does that need to change as well?

These answers and much, much more from one of the most influential runners and writers of the last few decades.

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This week\\u2019s show brought to you by:

Magnesium Breakthrough from Bioptimizers.\\xa0

Supplementing with magnesium before you go to bed has been shown in scientific studies to\\u2026

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When you\\u2019re looking for a magnesium supplement, make sure you take one that is organic and has all 7 unique forms of magnesium.\\xa0

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