Rubyology 87: SunnyConf - HashRocket Interview

Published: Aug. 6, 2010, 10:29 a.m.

Get your tickets to Phoenix, Arizona's first Rails conference, SunnyConf!

Rubyology is the offical podcast of SunnyConf and we are getting an early look into the conference and we are starting with interviewing each of the speakers!

In this episode, we get to interview Les Hill and Jim Remsik from HashRocket about their upcoming talk - Sustainably Awesome: How to Build a Team.

Hashrocket began as a small four person shop aiming to build products and get rich doing the same. Something happened along the way and we wound up with a small principled consultancy that works hard and plays harder. Listen in as we share how we keep the culture, quality, and cohesive bond that makes Rocketeers love working for Hashrocket.

Their SunnyConf talk will cover hiring, communications, methodology, environment, culture, and community. I hope that you enjoy this episode!