Rock Splitting Politics Replacing Obamacare: Doc Holliday's Crown Jewel to Enhance All Republican Plans!

Published: Feb. 27, 2017, 5 a.m.

b'When it comes to replacing Obamacare, only Doc Holliday has a crown jewel that will enhance any Republican plan and provide health, security, and real relief for the working poor, the deplorables, and hard working Americans everywhere.\\xa0 This week\'s show takes a look at the ferocious gauntlet that Secretary Tom Price had to endure, as well as, the liberal circling of the wagons around the socialist catastrophe called Obamacare.\\xa0 But on this show "for such a time as this" Doc Holliday provides all listeners and hopefully those in the White House and on Capitol Hill an insight to how any Republican plan can become a blockbuster for the working class of America that feels so left behind.\\xa0 Doc Holliday calls it the crown jewel because it places a missing piece of the puzzle when it comes to replacement plans for Obamacare.\\xa0 Make no mistake about it, Obamacare must be completely rooted out with a full repeal, but for President Donald Trump to keep his campaign promise to make health care terrific and much better than Obamacare, he needs to use Doc Holliday\'s crown jewel.\\xa0 What is Doc Holliday\'s historic crown jewel?\\xa0 Don\'t wait any longer, click on now and listen to this week\'s show!'