EP #21 - GPT 3.5 Takes the Bar Exam with Felipe Alexandre from AG Immigration Law

Published: Jan. 20, 2023, 9:05 a.m.


Unless you\\u2019ve been hiding under a rock, you have probably heard about the new AI platform ChatGPT, and all the disruption it has been causing in the tech industry.


One of these big disruptions is the fact that some researchers recently came out with a paper discussing how they used GPT 3.5 to take the bar exam for lawyers and surprisingly, it nearly passed it.


Today I am joined by Felipe Alexandre who is a Founding Principal Attorney at AG Immigration Law, and he is going to share his thoughts on all of this. 


Show Notes:


Today\'s Sponsor


Today\'s podcast was sponsored by Advanced Global Immigration Law Group, one of the leading immigration law groups in the United States. Their mission is to make your American dream come true.


For more information go to: https://agimmigration.law/en/home-english/


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