RiversZen Today for Wednesday, February 20th, 2019

Published: Feb. 20, 2019, 11:30 a.m.

Welcome to This Edition of RiversZen Today for Wednesday, February 20th, 2019

The news of the day: This week is about connections and trying to make reconnections for those body parts that don\u2019t work like they once did. Sometimes it\u2019s a surprise. We didn\u2019t even know that it happened. Other times we know exactly when it happened as we witnessed it very clearly as we crashed and burned skiing down a hill or had an auto accident or any number of memorable painful experiences that can happen to each of us. The surprises are often the most difficult to process as we don\u2019t ever remember it happening because it happened very slowly. We need to assess our body more often; but we are all busy and we don\u2019t think about a tune-up on ourselves . . . our car, yes . . . but, ourselves . . . that\u2019s not even something we think about. You have heard me talk about helping you create your tool box so you know how to fix your own body . . . self-assessment is part of that. You need to take the time to check your posture, move your joints, challenge your muscles. You can do it yourself or you can schedule a session with one of us . . . maybe once a quarter, maybe once a month, depending on what you find to be your challenge. You can join me in Astoria tonight at 5:45 pm and we will work through some of those body issues and attempt to reignite those connections.

If you have questions or comments to share with the group, feel free to post them at RiversZen Online Community on Facebook or email us at info@riverszen.com or text or call 503-440-3554.

Here are our classes for both studios for Wednesday:

8:00 Easy Morning Stretch with Dave Stevens
9:00 Beginning Tai Chi \u2013 Qigong for Everyone with Dave Stevens
11:00 Yoga Energy Flow with Dave Stevens
12:10 Lunch Time Yoga with Peter von Payens
5:45 Yoga for Core, Stretch and Balance with Peggy Stevens

10:30 Gentle Stretch with Pam Hickey
5:15 Yogalates \u2013 The Butt and Gut Class with Kim Gibbs
6:15 Smooth and Easy Stretch with Dave Stevens

Full studio schedule is at www.RiversZen.com

Online classes with Dave, Peggy and Kim 24/7

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Until tomorrow, Move Well, Stay Healthy and Be Happy with RiversZen.

We'll talk to you then!

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