RiversZen Today for Tuesday, November 13th, 2018

Published: Nov. 13, 2018, 11:05 a.m.

Welcome to This Edition of RiversZen Today for Tuesday, November 13th, 2018

The news of the day: You are probably wondering why the family photo on our post today. In September, David asked for a specific birthday present . . . a sugar fast. You did a great job of giving him his birthday wish and I know some of you are still staying away from sugar. Thank you. This time we are both hoping for an anniversary present. We were married on Thanksgiving Day in 1996. Don\u2019t we look young. Through those 22 years we have learned about resistance stretching, the magic of voodoo floss and therapy balls and the benefits of staying away from sugar and fake food. You know all those things you can\u2019t describe when you look at the ingredient list, all the dyes, all the strange additives, GMOs and heaven knows what else. Basically, this time we are asking you to just eat real food. We know this is coming right when the holiday season is starting. You can do this. The most important takeaway is information and becoming more mindful . . . learning to read labels. If you go a little crazy on Thanksgiving Day, that\u2019s ok. You can always get back on track. Hopefully, you will notice how much better you feel eating natural foods without all the preservatives, added colors and unidentifiable additives. Over the rest of the month we will be sharing links, books, fun or maybe actually creepy facts. Give it a try. Ask questions.

Post questions or comments to our Facebook page RiversZen Online Community or email us at info@riverszen.com or call or text us at 503-440-3554. Wait till you see some of the other photos I\u2019m going to share.

Here are our Tuesday classes for both RiversZen studios:

8:00 Easy Morning Stretch with Dave Stevens
10:30 Yoga Flow - Power Strength and Stamina with Peter von Payens
12:10 Lunch Time Yoga with Peter von Payens
4:15 Easy Stretch with Kim Gibbs \u2013 Reservations Required Please
5:15 Yogalates \u2013 The Butt and Gut Class with Kim Gibbs

10:00 Pound and Stretch with Dave Stevens - Reservations Required Please
11:00 Smooth and Easy Stretch with Dave Stevens
12:00 Long Beach Peninsula Music Circle
5:15 Core, Stretch and Balance with Peggy Stevens

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Until tomorrow, Move Well, Stay Healthy and Be Happy with RiversZen.

We'll talk to you then.

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