RiversZen Today for Monday, December 17th, 2018

Published: Dec. 17, 2018, 11:15 a.m.

Welcome to This Edition of RiversZen Today for Monday, December 17th, 2018

The news of the day: Welcome to another perfect Monday. Did you use the weekend to relax and restore or did you work even harder getting ready for the holidays? Do you hate Mondays? Do you hate every day of the week other than the weekend? What would it take for you to enjoy every day? What is it that detracts from your enjoyment? Your occupation? Where you live? Too many responsibilities? Maybe one of your resolutions for 2019 should be to create a more pleasurable lifestyle. If you are not one who believes in New Year\u2019s resolutions, then don\u2019t think of it as a resolution but as a goal. Brian Tracy shares that you first need to decide for yourself what makes you truly happy and then organize your life around it. Write down your goals and make plans to achieve them. Then he recommends deciding what you believe in and committing to live consistent with your inner most convictions. Ponder those two steps and get ready for the New Year and a new you! And we will be sharing more options for you in the New Year.

If you have any techniques you have learned to leave the kerfuffle behind, please share it with our group. It might help someone who is feeling really frazzled. You can post your comments on Facebook at RiversZen Online Community, email us at info@riverszen.com or text or call us at 503-440-3554.

Here are our classes for Monday at both RiversZen studios:

7:30 Qigong Walking and Forms with Donna Quinn is canceled today. She will be back New Year\u2019s Eve Day.
5:30 Kickboxing Aerobics \u2013 with Peter von Payens

8:00 Stretch and Move with Dave Stevens
9:00 Gentle Yoga Stretch Balance Alignment and Motion with Peggy Stevens
5:15 Yogalates \u2013 The Butt and Gut Class with Kim Gibbs
6:15 Smooth and Easy Stretch with Dave Stevens

Full Studio Schedule at https://RiversZen.com

Online Classes With RiversZen 24/7
Kim Gibbs, Peggy Stevens, Dave Stevens

The text of this broadcast is available below or by clicking the "more" link depending on how you accessed the podcast. You will find subscription, training, special offers and other important page links ... be sure to scroll down and check them out.

Until tomorrow, Move Well, Stay Healthy and Be Happy with RiversZen.

We'll talk to you then.

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