RiversZen Today for Friday, December 7th, 2018

Published: Dec. 7, 2018, 11:46 a.m.

Welcome to This Edition of RiversZen Today for Friday, December 7th, 2018

The news of the day: My hint for today to help maintain your holiday stress level is, wait for it . . . remember to eat your veggies! Yep, I did say that. Think about what you have been eating since the holiday season began . . . chocolate . . . cookies . . . fudge of all flavors . . . and endless other fun foods. A steady diet of those items can lead to fatigue, digestive issues, depression and stress. Plan ahead. Even if you don\u2019t have time to create regular meals with your hectic holiday schedule, add a plate of raw veggies to that holiday mix of foods in the break room or on the kitchen counter. Work toward maintaining a healthy diet within your holiday eating regimen. It will help you to maintain your energy levels and your stress during the the holiday season.

Feel free to leave comments or suggestions on Facebook at RiversZen Online Community or email us at info@riverszen.com or text or call us at 503-440-3554.

Here are our classes for Friday at both RiversZen studios:

8:00 Easy Morning Stretch with Dave Stevens
11:00 Pound Move and Stretch with Dave Stevens

10:30 Gentle Stretch with Pam Hickey

Full schedules available at www.riverszen.com

Online 24/7

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Until tomorrow, Move Well, Stay Healthy and Be Happy with RiversZen.

We'll talk to you then.

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