Srsly Risky Biz: Microsoft deserves the stick

Published: March 20, 2024, 1 p.m.

b'Normal Seriously Risky Biz correspondent Tom Uren is on leave this week, so there\\u2019s some lunatics-running-the-asylum energy in the episode. Patrick Gray wrote this week\\u2019s newsletter, and Adam Boileau asks him what exactly we are to do with Microsoft? They\\u2019re so big, and their security posture of late has us all sobbing into our Azure dashboards. Pat advocates for less carrot, and several varieties of stick.\\n\\nThey also talk through where ransomware disruption is going to have to head next. What more creative, less \\u2026 uh\\u2026 law-and-order options do we have for imposing cost on actors in pariah states?'