Whitechapel Society presents Jo Vigor-Mungovin on Joseph Merrick, the Elephant Man

Published: April 7, 2019, 7 a.m.

b"We are pleased to bring to you the April 2019 speaker at the Whitechapel Society 1888. Jo Vigor-Mungovin is one of the world's leading experts on the life and times of Joseph Merrick, the Elephant Man.\\n<p>\\nShe is the author of the excellent book 'Joseph: The Life, Times and Places of the Elephant Man' which can be purchased by visiting Mango Books. \\n<p>\\nwww.mangobooks.co.uk\\n<p>\\nAlso available on Amazon.\\n<p>\\nFor more information about the Whitechapel Society please visit\\n<p>\\nwww.whitechapelsociety.com"