Whitechapel Society presents Bob Hinton in Conversation with Karl Coppack

Published: Feb. 3, 2019, 7 a.m.

b"We are pleased to bring to you February 2019's guest speaker at the meeting of the Whitechapel Society:\\n<p>\\nBob Hinton in Conversation with Karl Coppack\\n<p>\\nListen in as Mr. Hinton, the author of the 1998 book 'From Hell: The Jack the Ripper Mystery' discusses his identification of a man he believes was George Hutchinson, the Whitechapel Murderer.\\n<p>\\nA PDF version of the slideshow <a href="http://www.rippercast.com/mp3/Bob Hinton Slides.pdf">can be downloaded here.\\n<p>\\nwww.whitechapelsociety.com"