Whitechapel Society 1888 presents Mick Priestley: Jack the Ripper- A Modern Day Investigation

Published: Feb. 13, 2017, 7 a.m.

b"Rippercast is pleased to bring to you the February 2017 guest speaker from the meeting of the Whitechapel Society 1888. Mick Priestley is the author of the newly released book 'One Autumn in Whitechapel' and his talk is entitled 'Jack the Ripper: A Modern Day Investigation'.\\n<p>\\nThe slides that accompanied Mick's talk <a href="http://www.rippercast.com/mp3/Priestley.pdf">can be downloaded here<a/>.\\n<p>\\nM. P. Priestley's book is available to purchase at www.ripperworld.net\\n<p>\\nwww.whitechapelsociety.com"