Wrestlemania 32 Week Recap - A New Hope

Published: April 7, 2016, 1:33 p.m.

b'Show Notes \\u2013 Mania Recap
Open Show

NXT Takeover Dallas Recap
WWE HOF Overview

Wrestlemania 32 Recap
Pre show Wins
-Kalisto (Champ) def Ryback
-Total Divas def Team BAD and Blonde
-Usos def Dudleyz
-New Womens Title Belt Unveiled
Main Show
-Zack Ryder (Champ) def Kevin Owens, Stardust, Sami Zayn, Sin Cara, The Miz and Dolph Ziggler
-Chris Jericho def AJ Sytles \\\\ Styles Mania Debut
-League of Nations def New Day \\\\ HBK, Stone Cold and Mick Foley get in involved.
-Brock Lesnar def Dean Ambrose
-Charlotte (Champ) def Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks \\\\ New Womens Champion
-Undertaker def Shane McMahon \\\\ Shane is crazy as hell
-Baron Corbin wins the Andre The Giant Battle Royal \\\\ Shaq was there
-The Rock and John Cena def Wyatt Family in impromptu match
-Roman Reigns (Champ) def Triple H \\\\ New WWE World Champ
RAW After Mania
-Vince McMahon opens up RAW. He gives Shane control of the show for tonight
-New Day defends titles against League of Nations. \\\\ Wade Barrett gets the boot. Wyatt family shows up for some fun.
-Sasha Banks shuts up Summer Rae
-Apollo Crews makes RAW debut
-Roman Reigns issues challenge and everybody wants a piece.
-Zack Ryder done lost the belt already to Miz of all people
-Dolph Ziggler takes on Baron Corbin in his first main roster match
-Charlotte has a Natty problem
-Enzo and Cass come up to the big show
-AJ Styles wins fatal 4-way to become #1 Contender for world title

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