Wrestlemania 32 Preview Show

Published: April 1, 2016, 9:41 a.m.

b'Show Notes - Wrestlemania 32 Preview
Open Show

RAW Recap
-Shane and Undertaker start off RAW/ Shane takes it back to the old school
- AJ and Jericho make is official for Mania \\\\ The WWE acting like Zack Ryder exist again
-Charlotte, Becky and Sasha jockeying for position
-Stephanie and HHH let the world know its all about the WWE Title, Roman Reigns comes out to fight
-New Day gets League of Nations again. Coach surprises the WWE.
-Dudleyz and HHH set a trap for Roman Reigns
-Gotta love that Paul Heyman and Brock Dynamic / Dean if off his wagon
-Safe to say that the RAW crowd is not down with Eva Marie..lol
Wrestling Birthdays
Wrestling News
-Snoop will officially be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame
-Who is inducting Jacqueline into the WWE Hall of Fame \\\\ Dudleyz
-Bella Twins Mom marries Johnny Ace
-1 Hour Long PreShow live on USA with 2 matches
Wrestlemania Preview
Thoughts on Mania 32
How strong is the Card
History Matters
-Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal
-Usos vs The Dudley Boyz
-Kalisto (Champ) vs Ryback \\\\ US Title Match
-The New Day vs League of Nations (non \\u2013 title)
-Kevin Owens (Champ) vs Sami Zayn vs Zack Ryder vs Dolph Ziggler vs Sin Cara vs Miz vs Stardust / IC Title Match
-Chris Jericho vs AJ Styles
-Total Divas vs BAD and Blonde (10 woman Tag Match)
-Charlotte (Champ) vs Sasha Banks vs Becky Lynch \\\\ Divas Title Match
-Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar (No Holds Barred)
-The Undertaker vs Shane McMahon (Hell in Cell) RAW Control vs Career
-Triple H (Champ) vs Roman Reigns \\\\ WWE Title

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